Saturday, May 05, 2007


An ultra double-double

Today was the first half of my last double-double weekend. And no, there was no Tim Horton's involved...

This morning was just less than 21 miles ran with the marathon clinic group I'm leading. At about mile 17 we did one last pit stop to refill water and some hit the bathroom. Of all the places we stopped, it was a Robin's Donuts. Earlier in the run, I was joking that maybe if we stopped there, I'd get a donut to keep me going. As we walked in the door, I dug into my pouch to find a loonie so I could buy some robin's eggs. A moment later I had a bag with a dozen eggs in my hand. I scarfed down three or four and shared them with the group. Much better than another shot of gel at that point in the run!

Just before dinner I did another easy run, 6 1/2 miles in under an hour to bring the daily total to nearly 5 hours of running.

Now it's time to feed the very hungry beast living in my belly. Let's just hope tomorrow's runs go as well as today!


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