Friday, September 29, 2006


The Plan for 2007

Well, it's that time of year, the big races all but done now; so it's time to start thinking about what to do next year. In my first year of running ultras, I did two. First, the 100k at the Blackfoot back in May, and just last weekend I did 50k at the Round The Moon Trail Race; where I managed to actually win the thing! OK, there were only three of us entered in the 50k, and only two of us finished, but, a win is a win! I have four events that are on my 'A' list for 2007. In chronological order they are: Along the way I will probably do some other shorter races to keep me sharp, probably the Police Services Half Marathon in the spring, and a few other 10k to 10 mile races. I'm most likely going to be working with a coach starting in a month or two rather than cobbling together my own plan.

I'll also be the official crew/photographer/cheering squad for Natalie when she tackles her first marathon next year! It's just the end of September and all ready I'm getting pumped up about next year!

Train smart,

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