Friday, May 26, 2006
Some more musings...
I feel like something is missing... Like perhaps an Oilers flag on our rental car. Seriously! Everone has one, or several. Very weird. I did, however, buy some Oilers gloves. It's a little cold here and I needed some hand protection. They're nothing like Kitten Mittens, but maybe they'll help the Oilers to win their next game :-)
A big THANK YOU goes out to ROD at LONDON DRUGS in Sherwood Park. When we got here, I realized that my camera battery was dead so we scoured Edmonton for a charger. No one had one, including Rod, but he offered to charge mine for me and I really, really appreciate it.
Albertans like to use their car horns. This is a serious lack of decorum, which I will take up with His (un)Holiness King Ralph. Maybe I'll start a letter-writing campaign. Stop the Horns!
Word has it there's a cougar in the park where they are running the Blackfoot. The race kit came with some handy-dandy instructions on how to avoid cougars, including how to identify their tracks: apparently, cougars like to wear high heels?!? The race kit also included some special emergency lemonade and hot chocolate mix in case of actual cougar contact.
One last thing for now: don't call me!! I realized after it was too late that my email signature copied over to the blog and now half of Canada has my cell number. Since it's already there, I'm not going to change it. But unless you have some good news (like maybe you want to give me a new condo or a million bucks) don't call. Or I'll send you a bill for my minutes.
Go Oilers Go!