Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Garmin made me faster?

Well I finally got my Garmin 205 on Friday. On Saturday I did my long run, 26.88 miles in 4:02:11 which gave me an average pace of 9:01. The wildest part of this is that I'd been using gmap-pedometer.com to figure out my distances prior to getting the Garmin, and my long run paces were typically in the 9:30 range, so it has me wondering which one is right? I'd love to believe that I'm faster than I thought, because, well, I would just rather be faster :-) But it does start raising some concerns about the training I've been doing, have I really put in the miles I thought? My average heart rate on the run was in line with my other long runs so I don't think I was actually running any faster. The only thing I can see having an impact was that I had the auto-pause feature turned on, which means the timer would stop at lights, cross walks and the like; not something I would usually bother with on my other runs.

In any case, it is definitely a cool gadget and once I get the various features figured out, I'm sure it will be providing this numbers geek with lots of data to analyze. I just hope they hurry up and release the Mac version of the Garmin Training Centre!

I had a session of Active Release Therapy (ART) yesterday while getting a massage. Ouch. My hamstrings are wound up quite tightly and he was trying to loosen them up. It hurt like crazy during the session, but felt OK afterwards. It was a bit tender on my run last night, thankfully it was a short, easy run.


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