Sunday, March 12, 2006


7 more marathon runs

So yesterday's run was essentially a marathon in the snow, slush and puddles with 5 miles of hills thrown in for fun. 26.7 miles in 4:11:28; yikes. At about 3:54 into it, nearly done, I just lost it. I bonked bad. I was reduced to a walk/shuffle-run for the last 17 minutes. The night before my dinner and dessert might not have been the optimal fuel. I have a sneaking suspicion that the cheesecake wasn't the best pre-run fuel, but damn does it taste good! Thanks for that Natalie!

Looking at my training plan, I have 7 more runs planned that are all at least the marathon distance. WTF? :-) Mind you, I'm not racing them, I'm just trying to keep a steady pace, around 9:30-9:45 min/mile; not quite my marathon PR pace of 8:00.

My body is holding up quite well to the training volume, which is making me a happy camper. I may have found a new injury, but massage seems to be helping manage it.

I had an encouraging exchange with a fellow blackfooter today. She's doing the 50 mile version that day and we've been trading training stories; it's a good feeling to know someone else going through the same rigors. It's going to be an awesome day on May 27th.


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