Sunday, February 05, 2006


How to create a bottle of ice

This morning didn't seem that terribly cold, but it did help to prove my theory that Gatorade doesn't freeze as easily as plain water. Yesterday it was -24°C when I started out, this morning it was -25. I only took water as I wasn't planning on being out for a super long run. After about 45 minutes, the bottle was frozen right up, I couldn't get any water out. When I got home and was able to screw the lid off, there was about 10 mm of solid ice plug at the top, forming a shape that was, well, interesting ;-) Yesterday the gatorade just turned slushy over the course of 3 hours, some bigger chunks, but nothing larger than a smartie or so.

On Sundays I run with my learn to run clinic group that I am teaching. The routine is to run there, do the 20 minutes or so with them and then to an extra loop on the way home. Today, not including the run with the clinic was 7.69 miles in 1:18:21.

I've finally updated my stats for the year so far, and it's not so great, only 219.2 km logged so far, but I know I forgot to write in at least one long run. Somewhat zany thought to consider that I'm going to run just less than half that distance in one race... yikes :-)


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