Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Training in the cold

I can't remember when it was that I ran outside with less than three layers on my torso, or just a simple hat. It has been really cold here the last month or so. In fact, CBC reported that it was colder here in Winnipeg (-35 c) than it was in the Antarctic (-32) yesterday. OK, granted it is summer down there, but, still!

What I do enjoy, however, is the looks & comments I get from the downtown crowd I pass as I start my runs. Last Sunday, at about 8:55 am I passed this pair that smelled like they were just coming home from a late night of beer & weed and they had to shout out the obligatory "Run Forrest Run!" as they looked at me like I was nuts. Maybe I am, but I enjoy it. And besides, I wasn't the only one. I met up with my friend Jill and off we went for two hours of loops on the frozen river in the sun.

There is something about going out for a run when it is minus stupid and the sun is shining. It's one of those "I feel alive" moments. Then you realize that if you fell off into the wasteland and got stuck, you'd die in your spandex suit. Not a photo MEC would want in their catalogue :-)

The forecast calls for a high of -9 and sunny for this coming Saturday! I'm sure it will feel wonderful to be out there for a few hours compared to what it's been like lately. Maybe my gatorade won't freeze in 45 minutes and I won't break my teeth on the chunks of powerbar!

Who knows how long the cold spell will last, but with two events planned in the next month, the aptly named Hypothermic Half and the Polar Bear Run, I've got no choice but to suck it up and run. And so I shall.


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